Thursday, September 20, 2007

Wellington Koooooooooo

This may or may not be true, but who cares? It's the best comeback line ever.

In the mid-twentieth century, an American diplomat found himself seated next to a Chinese man at a banquet. At a loss as to how to start a conversation with this gentleman, the American ventured with "Likee Soupee?" The Chinese man said nothing, only smiled and nodded in a polite manner. Nothing more was exchanged, and soon the Chinese man was called up to speak. After delivering an eloquent speech in impeccable English, the Chinese diplomat sat back down to a great round of applause, turned to the American (whose mouth was agape I'm sure), and said, "Likee Speechee?"

The Chinese guy was the preeminent and well-educated Chinese Ambassador Vi Kyuin Wellington Koo. He was the first Chinese representative in the newly formed League of Nations, and was one of the founding members of the United Nations. After retireing from the Chinese diplomatic service in 1956, he became a judge, and later moved to NYC, where he died in 1985.

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